Financial Sites


Current Exchange Rates

This link will help you chart the dollar against any foreign currency.

Mortgage, Bank, Lending, and Interest Rates

This site will give you the most up-to-date information on constantly fluctuating rates.

Money Magazine

Check stock quotes, and track the day’s financial news.

Market Watch by Dow Jones

CBS Marketwatch provides links to financial news, stock quotes, IRA resources, stock picks, and more.

Travelex – Foreign Exchange

Foreign currency exchange. Travelex has competitive exchange rates and traveler’s cheques.


Government Sites


Social Security Administration

Administers retirement, Medicare, disability, and other benefits.

U.S. Small Business Association

Programs and services to help you start, grow, and succeed.

U.S. Department of Commerce

Offers a range of resources for businesses and economic development.

Miscellaneous Sites


New York Times

A good source for national and world news.

Consumer World

Giving consumers reviews and knowledge for almost everything and anything you could purchase.

ABC’s of Real Estate

Great knowledge if you are buying, selling, or mortgaging your home.


Yodlee is an aggregator of your bank accounts, reward programs, and a lot more. View all your accounts and your financial portfolio all in one place.

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Resource Guide

Whether you’re a fledgling entrepreneur or a seasoned small business owner, you’ll find something of value among the more than 50 individual resources in this guide, which includes links to HR resources, marketing resources, helpful blogs, and podcasts, and a whole lot more.